Category: Alexander McQueen
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It's good to know where you come from. It makes you what you are today. It's DNA, it's in your blood.

Alexander McQueen

You can only go forward by making mistakes.

Alexander McQueen

I find beauty in the grotesque, like most artists.

Alexander McQueen

Really, what I'm aiming for is world domination!

Alexander McQueen

Of course I make mistakes. I'm human. If I didn't make mistakes, I'd never learn. You can only go forward by making mistakes.

Alexander McQueen

Clothes and jewellery should be startling, individual. When you see a woman in my clothes, you want to know more about them. To me, that is what distinguishes good designers from bad designers.

Alexander McQueen

I hate it when people romanticize Scotland.

Alexander McQueen

I find it grotesque when clothes hit you in the face and there's no room for fault. But I don't expect to turn things around all by myself. I'm not a saint.

Alexander McQueen

The police need to come down to street level.

Alexander McQueen

Menswear is about subtlety. It's about good style and good taste.

Alexander McQueen